User Input Functions
The functions and constants in this section are defined directly in the ads module.Functions
Initializes the options used by the next call to a user-input function, such as getxxx(), draggen(), entsel(), nentselp() or nentsel().
The flags are a ORed combination of the following:
RSG_NONULL disallow null input RSG_NOZERO disallow zero values RSG_NONEG disallow negative values RSG_NOLIM do not check drawing limits RSG_DASH use dashed lines for rubber-band line/box RSG_2D ignore Z coordinate in ads_getdist() RSG_OTHER allow arbitrary input
Kwords is a single string of space seperated keywords and will make the next getxxx() function accept those keywords in addition to it's normal input. Abbreviations of keywords will be accepted if the keyword is specified with some letters in uppercase, where the uppercase letters become the minimum required part of the keyword. Alternatively, the keyword can be specified in all uppercase, followed (with no spaces) by a comma and the abbreviation.
Prompts the user for a point interactively and returns that point. The point argument is a 2D or 3D point in the current UCS, that is used to draw a rubber band line from. The prompt argument is a string and is printed to the console.
If a call to initget() before the getpoint() specified keywords, then one of those keywords can be returned. Flags to initget() are respected where appropriate.
Prompts the user for an integer interactively and returns that integer. The prompt argument is a string and is printed to the console.
If a call to initget() before the getint() specified keywords, then one of those keywords can be returned. Flags to initget() are respected where appropriate.
Prompts the user for an float interactively and returns that float. The prompt argument is a string and is printed to the console.
If a call to initget() before the getreal() specified keywords, then one of those keywords can be returned. Flags to initget() are respected where appropriate.
Prompts the user for an string interactively and returns that string. The prompt argument is a string and is printed to the console. On R14 or earlier, the returned string is truncated to 132 characters. If the integer cronly argument exists and is nonzero, the string can contain spaces and the user must terminate it by entering <Return>. If cronly is emitted or zero, entering either a space or <Return> terminates the string.
If a call to initget() before the getreal() specified keywords, then one of those keywords can be returned. Flags to initget() are respected where appropriate.
Prompts the user for a point interactively and returns that point. The point argument is a 2D or 3D point in the current UCS, that is used to draw a rubber band rectangle from. The prompt argument is a string and is printed to the console.
If a call to initget() before the getcorner() specified keywords, then one of those keywords can be returned. Flags to initget() are respected where appropriate.
Prompts the user for an distance interactively and returns that distance. The point argument is a 2D or 3D point in the current UCS, that can be used as a starting point for the distance. The prompt argument is a string and is printed to the console.
If a call to initget() before the getpoint() specified keywords, then one of those keywords can be returned. Flags to initget() are respected where appropriate.
Prompts the user for an angle interactively and returns that angle. The point argument is a 2D or 3D point in the current UCS, that is used as a starting point for the angle. This function differs from getorient() by taking the ANGBASE system variable into account. Both functions respect the ANGDIR system variable. The prompt argument is a string and is printed to the console.
If a call to initget() before the getangle() specified keywords, then one of those keywords can be returned. Flags to initget() are respected where appropriate.
Prompts the user for an angle interactively and returns that angle. The point argument is a 2D or 3D point in the current UCS, that is used as a starting point for the angle. This function differs from getorient() by ignoring the ANGBASE system variable. Instead, the base for the angle will always be the positive X axis. Both functions respect the ANGDIR system variable. The prompt argument is a string and is printed to the console.
If a call to initget() before the getorient() specified keywords, then one of those keywords can be returned. Flags to initget() are respected where appropriate.
Prompts the user for a keyword interactively and returns that keyword. The prompt argument is a string and is printed to the console. On R14 or earlier, the returned string is truncated to 132 characters.
The list of keywords that getkword() will accept is set by a prior call to initget().
Applies the Object Snap modes specified by mode to the point point, and returns the closest point it finds or None. All points are in 3D. The mode argument contains one or more osnap identifiers in a string, spelled as they are at the AutoCAD prompt line (abbreviations are allowed). If mode specifies more than one snap mode, the identifiers are separated by commas.
The APERTURE system variable determines the allowable proximity of a selected point to an entity when using Object Snap.